The Miraculous Healing Power of Forgiving Love
A laboratory of the direct process of spontaneous healing through the enlightened perceptual energy of your mind. An ongoing workshop of enlightenment through continuing application of the lessons and text of A Course In Miracles. Practicing the direct process of spontaneous healing through the confrontation of your healing energy of love with the inherently fearful sickness and death dedication of the human conditional mind.
We will share together through single acts of reconciliation, our own joyous
realization of the Eternally Creating Reality of this Universe - a Reality
of which we are all individually and in consort, through the power of
forgiving love, an indivisible part.
Each of us carries a message of
miraculous spiritual recovery, and in a quantum instant of forgiveness, we
serve as an agency for the certainty that the light and love of true
happiness surrounds us all.
We will practice a week, or a day, or an hour,
or even an instant of happy forgiving and forgetting of all the grievances
we hold against each other and the world. Let's get rid of our grudges and
let bygones be bygones at last! We'll forgive together and watch this world
change before our very eyes.

There are dramatic signs of a heavenly calling appearing everywhere in this
time and place - a crescendo of overwhelming evidence of a power that will
perfectly remedy every disease of our minds and bodies.
The healing power of our forgiveness will bring to all of us, a new light of
forbearance and understanding that will radiate among all the nations of
this world in a single burst of Healing Grace.
We will greet each other in a new continuum of time as newly born citizens
returned to the Kingdom of God that is our eternal home.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.